Snowmobile Repair: engine problem, polaris xcr 600, drip oil

I just took out my 1994 Polaris XCR 600 for the first time today, and suddenly it shut down. All of the fluid levels are good, but i can't get the pull cord to move anymore. Do you think the engine seized, or is there something else i should look for?

Hello Darin,

  The good old engine is seized up. Sometimes, if the sled was cold and you were going slow, you can get away with just new rings. What I think happened, is your jets are a bit clogged from the sled setting around all summer, and caused a lean mixture. Other than that it could have been anything from worn crank seals to a failed oil injection pump. Your best bet would be to buy new rings and pistons, as well as a full gasket set with the seals. Then, take your carbs apart for a good look and cleaning. For a simple oil injection test, take the carbs off. Then, pull the oil injection lever that has the cable connected to it, all the way open. Now, have someone crank the motor. While they are cranking, look inside of the intake manifold where the carbs connect the engine. There is a small metal or brass tube that sticks out into the intake. This is the oil injector. It should drip oil out as the helper cranks. If it doesn't, there is a problem with the injection. When it is all said and done, a rebuild is going to cost no less than about 200.00. If you decide to rebuild, let me know if you need any help. You can get all of the parts for very cheap through . Sorry for the misfortune. Good luck! --Arcticatman