Steering Column Repair: key stuck, steering column repair, chevrolet oldsmobile

I have a 79 corvette. The key is stuck in the on position. I can start the car and drive the car but the key will not go back. I can NOT turn off the car. It is on the on position. Any idea on how to get the key to the turn to the office position and then be able to get the key out.

Ho Greg:

Sorry about your car.  Typically there are two things that cause this in the Corvette.
1)  The lock cylinder fails and binds when attempting to rotate back to the off and lock position and,
2) the interlock mechanism is out of alignment (this is the most common problem)

To repair the 1st scenario, you will need to replace the lock cylinder.
To repair the 2nd scenario, you simply need to manually rotate the lower bowl on the column counterclockwise (as is it were a column shift and you were putting it back into Park).  Then the key should release.  If that does it, the adjustment for that mechanism is the linkage rods between the transmission and the column under the hood and the car (standard & automatic are the same adjustments)

If you need instructions on how to replace the lock cylinder and rebuild you telescopic column, we have recently uploaded some information on our website to give you first hand viewing of how to remove, disassemble, and reassemble the parts you are talking about (Our company charges a small fee for these detailed instructions). They are broken down into step by step photos and procedures with instructions. The pictures are for a Corvette, the column should be very similar to yours.

I hope these steps help you.  If not, please contact me again for more information.
Lastly, if you need parts to repair this column simply look through the ‘Parts’ pages, order on-line or email us on our "Contact Us / Order Parts" page and we will get back in touch with you personally

Good luck
