Toyota Repair: 2003 Tacoma will not start, wont ever turn over, jumper cable, fuse box

Hi, my son's 2003 Tacoma will not start, the engine starter will not engage or turn.  We pulled the starter out and tested it and it is okay.  When you turn the key, you can here the starter relay in the fuse box make a click noise, but nothing else happens. We have checked all of the fuses and they seem fine. All other electrical circuits in the truck appear to be fine. Thank you for your help.

Test the starter while it's installed, with the ign key off, the transmission in park or neutral and the e-brake on do the following: remove the small solenoid connector from the starter, connect a jumper cable to it long enough to reach the battery, touch the other end of the cable to the battery and see if the starter engages and turns the engine, if not, the starter should be replaced.