Toyota Repair: 1982 toyota pickup choke, toyota pickup, cold start

Hi paul,
I need your assistance in getting my choke fixed on my 1982 pickup w/ 22R. It appears to be stock everything, and currently runs OK.

The problem is for the first couple of minutes it runs, you have to pump the gas to keep it running. Not hold it, actually pump it. In addition, when warm it idles a bit fast (no tach, it just sounds fast). I have determined that the choke plate on the passenger side (left if viewed from front) is always open, no matter what. The driver side plate (right from front) is always closed, no matter what. My friend said that the passenger side plate was normal to be open, but the driver side plate should be opening as the truck warms up.

Could you please explain to me how the choke system works and what to check to get it working properly?


Hi Chas, there are two types, mechanical and electrical. it is special spring that expands with temperature where the link for the flap is hooked to. when u pump the gas for first time before cold start there is half moon part with teeth on it and engages with the shaft to keep the throttle partially open. this carb is old it will not hurt to take it to your local carburetor guy for cleaning and gasket replacement and he will fix and  adjust the choke.