Toyota Repair: Sludge issue, sludge problem, fuel injection service

I have a Sienna 2001, 54000 Km (86000 Miles) Only once or twice in the highway, my wife use it for short trips in the city, one week ago the check engine light started to flash and finally stayed I took it to my dealership and they made a diagnostic: Motor overhaul ($5000 to 7000).
The fail code (P0300 and P0305) showed a misfire in cylinder 5, so they exchange the coils 5 with 6, swapped plug 5 with 2, no difference, did fuel injection service and the miss got worse, did a compression test cil #5 at 75 psi, there is comment saying motor has sludge, I took the van home and I have notice that sometime when I started there is a big cloud of white-bluish smoke behind.

I didn’t know any thing about the gelling problem until a friend told me.

Am I facing a sludge problem?
What do you recommend?

Possibly. Every toyota dealer has received instructions on how to deal with a possible engine oil gel(sludge) issue. Since the dealer already admitted that there is an oil gel condition and verified there is low compression they should follow up and contact the toyota field service tech to determine a course of action to take, as I said the dealer has specific instructions and guidelines that they must follow to determine if the oil gel problem is valid,  the qualifiers are that the engine compression is low and there is sludge present when the valve cover is removed for inspection and the check engine light is on, it seems you have a very good case to have this repair done at no cost to you, toyota is aware of this and they will send a TFS out to the dealership if the requirements are met to inspect the engine and instruct the dealer what to do.