Toyota Repair: high idling of engine, and more oil on dipstick, ted ritter, high idling

Dear ted ritter,

I have a Toyota '98 Camry. When I start it, it has High IDLE and about 2000 r.p.m. It also gives cliking noise may be from timing cover. When it heat ups than is O.K. It is O.K. or something is wrong?

My friend says "Fill oil over FULL mark on dip stick when engine is COLD."

I beleive that during normal running temperature it shoud show up to FULL mark and that O.K. Dip stick should not show oil over FULL mark when engine is hot.Never . It may damge the engine. Who is right? Please reply. I have always argument with my friend regarding this issue.
I follow owner's manual and refer to him but he does not agree.
Please reply my questions. I appriciate

Thank You very much,


The clicking noise may be coming  from one of the drive belts but there may also be a problem with the water pump or the timing belt.
Engine oil doesn't expand like transmission fluid, so if you fill it to the full mark it will stay there cold or hot.
I think what your friend may be talking about is that when you change the oil and the filter and put in new oil you can go a little over the full mark because once the engine is started the oil has to fill the filter etc. and so the level will drop a little after that.