How to Replace a Tiburon CV

The Hyundai Tiburon --- Spanish for Shark --- is a two-door sport coupe. The Tiburon is front-wheel-drive with a transaxle that drives two halfshafts, with one halfshaft driving each front wheel. Each halfshaft has a double offset joint on the inside with a splined shaft that fits into the transaxle, and a CV joint on the outside with a splined shaft that fits into the wheel hub. CV-joint replacement on the Tiburon requires the replacement of the entire halfshaft.

Things You'll Need

  • Jack
  • Jack stands
  • Needle-nosed pliers
  • Breaker bar
  • Socket set
  • Ratchet
  • Hammer
  • Pickle fork ball-joint tool
  • Piece of two-by-four wood
  • Torque wrench
  • Park the Tiburon on a level, paved surface and set the parking brake. Use needle-nosed pliers to straighten and remove the cotter pin from the axle stub and nut in the center of the wheel hub. Note how the pin is bent so you can bend it the same way when you replace it.

  • Use a breaker bar and socket to loosen the nut in the center of the wheel hub. Loosen the lug nuts on the front wheel --- or wheels, if you are going to replace both halfshafts. Raise the front of the Tiburon and support it with jack stands. Finish removing the lug nuts and wheel. Remove the hub nut and washer.

  • If the Tiburon has an antilock braking system, disconnect the wire to the wheel speed sensor.

  • Use a ratchet and socket to remove the nut from the tie-rod end. Strike the steering knuckle where the tie-rod end fits into it with a hammer. The tie-rod end will pop out of the knuckle.

  • Use a ratchet and socket to remove the bolt that attaches the sway bar link to the lower control arm.

  • Use a ratchet and socket to loosen the nut on the ball-joint where it attaches to the steering knuckle. Do not remove the nut yet. Loosen it so there is about a half-inch of space between the knuckle and nut.

  • Slide a pickle fork type ball-joint separator tool between the ball-joint stud and the steering knuckle. Strike the end of the separator tool with a hammer to pop loose the ball-joint. When the ball-joint pops loose, the lower control arm will fall down, but it will be caught by the nut on the ball-joint.

  • Place a jack under the lower control arm and raise it enough so you can finish removing the ball-joint nut. Slowly lower the jack and separate the lower control arm from the steering knuckle.

  • Pull the knuckle and wheel hub from the end of the halfshaft. It should slide off. If not, place a piece of wood against the end of the shaft and tap it with a hammer to loosen it.

  • Use a large, flat screwdriver to gently pop the halfshaft out of the transaxle. The end of the shaft that goes in the transaxle has a snap-ring on the end of it. Remove the halfshaft.

  • Slide the new halfshaft into the transaxle. Push it in until you feel the snap-ring pop into place.

  • Slide the knuckle and wheel hub over the other end of the halfshaft. Install the hub washer and nut finger-tight.

  • Use the jack to raise the lower control arm while guiding the ball joint into the knuckle. Install the nut and use a torque wrench to torque the nut to 43 to 52 foot-pounds. Position the sway bar link on the lower control arm, install and tighten the bolt. Mount the tie-rod end in the knuckle, install and torque the nut to 17 to 25 foot-pounds. Reconnect the wheel speed sensor, if equipped.

  • Use a ratchet and socket to snug down the hub nut. Mount the wheel, install and snug down the lug nuts. Raise the Tiburon, remove the jack stands and lower it to the ground. Use a torque wrench and socket to torque the hub nut to 144 to 187 foot-pounds. You will have to line up the slots in the nut with the hole in the end of the shaft. Install the cotter pin and bend it with needle-nosed pliers. Tighten the lug nuts.