How to Set the RBDS on a Ford Focus

The radio broadcast data systems (RBDS) on a Ford Focus radio allows you to search for FM radio stations that play music within a specific category, such as "Rock," "Jazz," "R&B" or "Country." To set the feature, also known as RDS, turn on the radio, follow the prompts and search for radio stations.

  • Activate the radio by starting the Focus's engine or by turning the key to "Run."

  • Push the "Menu" button on the radio control panel repeatedly until "RDS" displays on the radio screen.

  • Push the "Seek/Track" button to turn on the feature.

  • Push the "FM" button to begin using the RBDS feature. Push "Cat/Fold" then push "Down" or "Up" to select your category. Example categories are "Rock" and "Jazz."

  • Push "Seek/Track" to scan for stations in the selected category.