How to Change a Leaking Intake Manifold Gasket in an Impala

Chevrolet introduced the full-sized Impala into its automobile lineup for the 1958 model year. After nearly three decades of production, manufacturing was halted in 1985 and not continued until 1994. By this time, the Impala had reached its seventh generation of consumer models. This particular generation was designated the Super Sport edition, a high-powered V8 model that remains a collectible automobile to this day. However, Chevrolet stopped production of the Impala, again, in 1996. The American-based auto manufacturer unveiled the eight generation of Impalas for the 2000 model year. Proper care and maintenance is vital to the performance of your Impala. Replacing the intake manifold gasket can prevent exhaust leaks in the engine.

Things You'll Need

  • Chemical sealant
  • Wrench set
  • Flat-head screwdriver
  • Engine degreaser
  • Linen cloth
  • Coolant container
  • Gasket scraper
  • Gloves


  • Unscrew the bolt that holds the negative connection to the Impala's battery. Set this bolt aside for later use.

  • Remove the engine cover to access the intake manifold and manifold gasket. Disconnect the throttle body inlet duct from the engine.

  • Twist off the radiator cap to allow draining of the coolant to flow more smoothly. Place an empty container beneath the radiator's drain plug, and remove this plug. Allow all of the engine coolant to drain into the empty container. Replace the drain plug once you are finished.

  • Tag all of the electrical wiring and hoses before removing so that reconnection is precise to factory settings. Remove these parts, individually, from the intake manifold.

  • Loosen the bolts that hold the intake manifold to the Impala's engine block. Lift the intake manifold from the block once all bolts have been completely removed.

  • Use the flat-head screwdriver to pry the old intake manifold gasket from the engine block. Discard this part once you have removed it.

  • Clean the engine block thoroughly with the engine degreaser and linen cloth. If necessary, use a gasket scraper to remove excess buildup and grime.


  • Coat the top and bottom of the new intake manifold gasket with a chemical sealer so that it bonds to the engine block securely. Position this new manifold gasket so that it lines up perfectly with the cylinder ports of the Impala's engine block.

  • Place the old intake manifold on top of the newly-installed manifold gasket until it aligns with all of the holes of the cylinder flanges and manifold gasket.

  • Attach all of the bolts with your hand to the manifold. Once all bolts have been positioned, use a torque wrench and apply 15 foot-pounds of pressure to the bolts to secure the manifold into place.

  • Reconnect all of the necessary hoses and electrical wiring to the intake. Pour the engine coolant back into the radiator.

  • Reattach the engine cover on top of the intake manifold and engine block. Start the Impala's engine and check for any leaks around the new intake manifold gasket.