Auto Insurance Claims: Length you can file a claim, delivery driver, statute of limitations

Last year as a delivery driver I parked at a delivery and accidently put my car in Neutral instead of park. When i got out the car rolled into the mans garage. I gave the man all my information, however he never contacted me. Recently he has contacted me for my information with interest to file a claim as he just got a quote on the cost to fix it. It has been over 1 full year, and I assume that more damage has occurred since, and this is probably why he has just decided to get it fixed. My question is, Can he still file a claim over a year later? or does it expire?

Hi John,

The statute of limitations is different in each state, however, in most states it is usually at least 2 years and could be as much as 6 years. You should contact an attorney in your state to see what it is there.

You should also contact your insurance company to report the incident.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh