Auto Insurance Claims: should i file a claim and how would i if so, repair estimate, insurance co

I am staying in CA for awhile but my auto is registered in FL and my DL is FL. While parking I hit someone's car and didn't realise it was damagaged, but they got a repair estimate that says $2600.00. I did not get a ticket.I can't prove i didn't do all that damage. Should i file a claim with my insurance? It is the least expensive company and just liability insurance, plus i have a $1000 deductible. I am thinking it might be too complicated to collect and only result in my insurance going up, or being cancelled, or getting some sort of ticket for leaving after scraping this guy's car...It is hard for me to believe that 2500 is a legitamate estimate and I am sure the insurance co will say the same.I have never caused any damage to someone's car before so I have no idea what to do

Hi Shushan,

You are required by law as well as the terms of your policy to notify your insurance company of a change of address within 30 days.

So as long as you can tell your insurance company that you are just visiting for less than 30 days, you should file the claim.

Body work is expensive. But your insurance company will have the vehicle inspected and negotiate with the body shop to get is done as inexpensively as possible.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh