Auto Insurance Claims: Advice needed : ), Vehicle Total Loss, Diminished value

I was recently rear ended.  The collision damaged the unibody (sp?) and the insurance company responsible for the driver that rear ended me will not total the vehicle as it is $2k less than the needed quote to consider the vehicle a total loss.  The insurance company would rather cut my vehicle in half from the rear passengers door to the trunk and replace the rear end with another vehicle similar to what we have.  Is this legal in Arizona? Would this be considered a salvaged vehicle?  We financed the vehicle in June of 08 and don't want to pay for a salvaged vehicle.  Any advice/ direction you can provide is appreciated.  Thank you!

Hi Jessica,

In addition to the cost of repairs, you are also entitled to be paid for the loss of value to the vehicle. This is called "diminished value". Considering the extent of the damage, it is possible that the diminished value could be several thousand dollars.

With the right documentation as to the amount of the potential diminished value, you may be able to convince the insurance company to total the vehicle. This is assuming that the repairs have not yet begun.

This process requires an expert to help you through the process. For more info on diminished value and the possibility of get the vehciel totaled, visit .

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh