Auto Insurance Claims: Does the accident record go to the claimant or vehicle owner?, 2 different things, policy premiums

QUESTION: My husband and I are covered by the insurance. I am the vehicle owner, but my husband got the accident. So he filed a claim. However, all the communication and payment check went to me only. I told the insurance the claimant is my husband. But, the adjuster said the payment go to the vehicle owner. I am afraid the driver record will have my name in the accident. Actually, the driver and claimant is not me. Can you explain what the relationship is between the vehicle owner and the claimant? How does the insurance record the accident?

ANSWER: Hi Janeice,

For insurance purposes, the check is always issued to the vehicle owner. If the accident was your husbands fault and he is listed on your policy, it will be considered an at fault accident and the policy premiums will likely increase at renewal time.

As far as the motor vehicle record with the state, it would only affect your husbands driving record. It does not matter who the checks are made out to. The accident will only be listed on your husbands driving record. One has nothing to do with the other.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your reply. I can understand the check is always paid to the vehicle owner. But, how about the driving record? Up to now, all communication went to me, the vehicle owner. My husband, as a driver, has got nothing from the insurance. How shall I know the accident has been correctly recorded on my husband?  

Hi Janeice,

You are actually talking about 2 different things. The insurance company comunicates with and pays the vehicle owner. The motor vehicle record with the state DMV has nothing to do with insurance. So if the police came and listed your husband on the police report as the driver, it will be his driving record that will be affected.

If you want to verify this, you will have to obtain a copy of his motor vehicle record from the state.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh