Auto Insurance Claims: backed into a vehicle parked in a red zone, bearer of bad news, husban

my husban was paralled parked, in a legal parking zone and when he got in the car, he looked for oncoming traffic and back to see if he could exit and when cleared began to back up and backed into a low profile (lowrider) car. the low profile car parked in a full redzone area and halfway exit/entry business driveway.  the other driver asked us for $200 cash to pay for his car, we declined and asked for insurance info. who is liable for what?

Hi Maria-

From my experience, it does not matter if someone is parked illegally - if you back into someone when they are parked you will be found at fault.  I had an insured who hit somoene becuase they were blocking his driveway and they were charged with the accident.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.  The $200 might not be a bad deal.  

Sheldon Maughan
Sacramento, CA