Auto Insurance Claims: MVA, insurance agent, mva

About 11 months after a very, very low impact "accident" when a car in front pulled forward after being completely stopped my car tapped her bumper after I pulled forward from a complete stop, and she then immediately slammed on her brakes.  At the scene, she denied injury, and she denied noticing any damage to her vehicle, and there was no damage to my vehicle.  She wanted her husband to look for hidden damages, and said she might have the car checked out.  For this reason, insurance and phone number information was exchanged.  A few days later, she claimed no damages, and denied developing any discomfort or pain.  She said she would not be filing a claim.  Today, about 11 months later, I got a call during work that I could not take.  I don't think it was her, and for all I know it is a stranger trying to set me up. The person asked a question, but I did not hear it clearly.  I think I was asked if I was involved in an MVA while working for my company, and I think I heard the word insurance. I could not take the call either since I was at work.  I had only answered the phone since I thought it was a return call for something regarding the client.  The person indicated they would try back.  Either someone is fishing to hang something on me, or this was a set up, since this person and I spoke a few days later.  They stated they knew of no damage, had never developed any pain and had no plans to file a claim.  Now, eleven months later, can they suddenly file a claim, and notify me for the first time there they sought medical treatment or there was damage to the car.  I happen to know my insurance company had no record of any accident in the last 3 years.

If she had her car "fixed," and gets a bogus repair receipt, or she sought medical care or has a sham doctor claim she did, if she never notified me or my insurance company, can she get away with suing me about 11 months later.  How should I respond when/if I am called back? but possible an insurance agent, or possibly a lawyer?

The statute of limitations in Maryland is 3 years, so a person can file a claim or lawsuit within 3 years of the date of the accident.

This does not mean a person will win a claim or lawsuit.  If this is the same woman, and if she tries to make a claim now, most people would view this very suspiciously, including a judge or jury.

I would not do anything now.  But if a claim is made, make sure you immediately  report to the insurer who covered your vehicle on the date of the incident.  Cooperate fully with their investigation.  If a lawsuit is filed, they will assign an attorney to defend you.  If they ask why you did not report this earlier, simply explain that the woman told you she had no damages.

Don't waste time worrying about this.  You have insurance to protect you against things like this and they know how to handle it.