Car Stereos: Subwoofer installation, amp fuse, ohm subs

Hey Shawn, thanks for helping. I have 4 subs, 100 watt, 8 OHM, 20 OZ each. I need to know what kind of amp I need to power all of these.
Thanks a lot

Hi Chris,
While I won't recommend what brand of amp to purchase, all I can recommend is that you get as much CLEAN power as you can afford. Never underpower a sub.. always install MORE than the sub is rated for.. (I know this sounds odd, but it's MUCH safer to drive a speaker with clean power than it is to drive it with an amp that's always clipping because you're constantly running our of power)  With the 8 ohm subs, you'll want to get something that can safely drive a 2 ohm load in mono or else you'll be wiring the subs in a series/parallel configuration (not a bad thing, but amp makes mroe power in 2 ohm configuration) I also recommend you get an amp with a built in crossover, minumum 12 db/octave 80/100 hz.
Other than that. let your ears and your wallet decide what to buy. Just stay away from the cheap crappy amps that tell you they put out 1000 watts... with a 20 amp fuse on the amp... not likely it would EVER come close.