BMW Repair: door lock problem in 1988 BMW 3-series, bmw 3 series, sequence problem

First, when I tried to lock the passenger door with the key, it would spring back open. That seems to be a computer/sequence problem (if there IS a computer).

Then, the driver's side lock wouldn't lock the other locks, but the trunk lock would, and did for a long time.

Both problems were intermittent.

NOW, suddenly, I can't unlock the trunk. I can "lock" it (turn it to the right), but it won't turn to the left, and won't open.

Somehow this all seems to be a matter of some sort of screwed-up sequencing, because I used to be able to get things going right again, if I locked the passenger door from the inside ... maybe.

But the new trunk lock problem is a thing unto itself!

1988 325is in great condition.

With the continuous opening and closing of the door locks overheats the lock module and the soldered fuse(internal) breaks,sounds like your problem.The passenger side door seems to be in the dead lock portion of the locking or the drivers side lock is inop.I would look for the lock module which I believe is behind left front speaker.Its long rectangle.It can be carefully taken apart and repaired if you have any soldering ability about $110.00 if not