Chrysler Repair: runs but wont start, plymouth voyager, voltage spike

I have a 97 Plymouth voyager 3 litre.
i noticed the dash lights flickering earlier this week. Now it will not start unless i boost it.I removed the battery and it started my truck, i now have changed the alternator last night the vehicle started this morning. I noticed that the lights still flicker and actually go off for a split second.I arrived at work and now it there is not enough battery life to start the van.The lights come on but very dim.I have shined up the wire to the alternator, but still nothing.i have read that i should use aluminum tape to cover the + wire to the gen as it may be picking up voltage spikes, is this an answer to my problem?

Hi Al,
I haven't heard of the tape/voltage spike issue.
Did you notice whether the charge warning light was "on" when you drove to work? If it wasn't then I suspect the alternator is doing its thing and that instead you either have a short in some other circuit or possibly might you have a loose connection of the battery - post wire(s) at their various ground points? After checking the grounds at the engine and the body, I would use an ohmmeter to see how much resistance is shown between the disconnected + post wire and ground with everything shut off, so as to access whether or not you have a short. If you find that you do, then start removing the fuses one at a time in the power distribution center box under the hood to see if you can find one that causes the resistance to jump up significantly. That would be the suspect circuit.
Another possibility is that your battery has an internal short or is just worn out. What you describe happened to my son's car last week!