Honda Repair: a/c system, fan shroud, compresser

gene i have an 95 honda accord 2.2 ex vtech an  i'm having problems with the a/c. the clutch keeps burning out the fuse that is under the hood keeps blowing. i have had an new clutch an compresser put in but i supposed they need to be replaced. there is an wire that someone hooked up that run from the compresser behind the radiator by the drier into somemore wire's. it seems like maybe they bypass an relay switch, an it is making it get to hot that d compresser goes out fuses blows an it burn out the clutch. the a/c is fully charged it has no leaks. the compresser an clutch go bad an that wire gets real hot. that wire is ran straight to the compresser for it's power. i need to know is there an switch or something missing. john


There should be 2 relays mounted on the drivers side fan shroud. Are they there? They might have bypassed the relays. Also is the high pressure switch hooked up, or did they bypass that also? This problem sounds complicated. I suggest you but a Honda Eletrical Trouble Shooting manual or take it to someone who can figure out your problem. Electical can be very difficult. Especially without the knowledge and scematic.
Good luck and check those 2 things I mentioned.