Land Rover Repair: a/c condenser fan, ac delco, ac system

hey john, i'm having trouble trying to fix my condenser fan in my '03 discovery. i keep blowing fuses every time it tries to kick on. the a/c works but the fan tries to kick on then poof, there goes another fuse. what should i do?

Hi Jared,

how are you?  Quite a summer we're having.  I understand your need to fix the AC system fast.

Which fuse? Have you replaced the compessor clutch/condensor fan relay?  

Could it be the fan motor?  How easy is it to spin?  Will it activate with direct power?  

Someone wrote that you can swap out the fan motor with one of these:

AC Delco #1580341
NAPA- BK #6552105
Advance Auto #35110

Thanks to 4th amigo, this could save you a chunk of money!

Then there is the possibility that a short is present somewhere within the wiring.  It has been known to happen - usually in the worse possible places.  A multimeter and a lot of free time to track this down.

Best of luck,

NB:  Discoweb has lots of info on AC troubleshooting