Motorcycle Repair: 2001, bigbore kit, mud guard

QUESTION: I have a 2001 FXST and I have 4500 miles on it and a few weeks ago I put a new battery in it due to leaving the lights on. I put a few 100 miles on it and one day after riding it I pulled in front of my garage and opened the door and when I went to pull in the bike stalled and I started it again and wham all of sudden the bike died electrically. When it stalls the dash and headlight stay on but after this everything died. I checked all the fuses witha VOM and my charger does a check on the battery just make sure. I figured it might be the circuit breakers behind the oil tank. Do you have any clues?


ANSWER: When it stalls, pull one of your plugs and let me know if you are getting spark. Also, check at the coil and see if its getting 12 volts

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I think you mis understood my question. It stalled once and was due to loss of all power. It has a good batt and fuses but there is no power to anything. That is why I thought it might be one of the 2 breakers between the back tire mud guard and the oil tank. They are hard to get at without taking some stuff off the bike. So I figured I would get a few opinions before ripping it apart. Before this it ran fine everytime, and I have a bigbore kit with screamin eagle heads Hi Comp Pistons and SE 211 Cams. If the headlight went out or the running lights that would be no problem. What seems to have happened was like a main breaker/fuse tripped. All the fuses are good I checked them with a fluke Volt Ohm Meter and just to rulle out error I tested each fuse several times with the meter along with a visual inspection. So it is not a running problem it is a complete blackout so you cant hit the starter, turn signals, head/tail light etc...



I would start by checking the battery terminals at both ends. Makse sure you have a good ground. I would also have the battery tested to make sure its good, even though its new. If the battery checks out then start at the battery and follow the power to the ignition switch and test on both sides of it for power. SInce you stated that its like the breaker tripped, then you would have a short, so check the wires for loose connections, pinched wire or a bare wire.
Good luck and happy riding