Nissan Repair: 2000 nissan sentra sunroof, nissan sentra, tilt position

If by cleaning and lubricating the tracks don't work, how hard is it to take down the headliner?
Should I take it to the dealer, or is this something that I can do?


Followup To

Question -
I have a 2000 Nissan Sentra SE model.  Recently I opened the sunroof, but when I went to close it it wouldn't close properly.  The back part of the sunroof stayed down.  I then pressed the close button on the sunroof and it closed, but then opened in the back tilt position.  I had to play with it to get it to stay closed and not go to the opened tilt position.  Do you think that this is a bad sunroof switch?

Answer -

No, I think the motor or the tractor feed is messing up.  If it will open you can clean and lubricate the tracks.  If not you are looking at taking the headliner out and clean and adjust it.


Unless you are really into mechanics it is a nightmare to take down the headliner.  It was installed before the windshield was installed if that gives you an idea of how hard it is going to be to get it out.  I would take it to the dealer if cleaning and lubricating does not work.  Or, you could take it to a specialty shop and you might save some money.  Shop around and get some information on the quality of work the shop does.  Oh, and many dealers send cars out for things like this...