Porsche Repair: Balancing, 944 s2, tire balancing

I have a 944 S2- The engine has a vibration between 3000-3300 rpms. I have done everything to balance it by the book! All checked by a certified mechanic,Bal.shafts,flywheel,clutch etc.
My question is can a counter weight be added to the harmonic balancer to offset this vibration?
Using the same theory as an out of balance tire!

Ross, this is one of those times, I feel helpless.  Owners like you, who are so much in tune with their cars, deserve the answers they are looking for.  This time, all I can do is offer comments why the tire balancing analogy is very creative thinking, but not the answer.

If you balance that tire and it doesn't correct the problem, you'd probably balance it again, even more carefully, or re-mount it, and then balance it again.  Eventually, that individual tire/wheel combination is going to get balanced.  But a similar effort at the harmonic balancer assumes the crankshaft and the rotating assembly is the problem, when you don't really know that for sure. If the rotating assembly were the culprit the way to fix that is to remove the rotating assembly and balance it as a unit, just like you'd do when you're building the engine.  Once done, you'd know any vibrations would be coming from another source.  But I'm sure you're trying to fix the annoyance, not rebuild the engine...right!

I hate myself for saying this, but if you'd had a good mechanic give it his best shot, you're going to have to live with the problem until you do decide it's time for a rebuild, and in your case... a blueprinted rebuild.

No doubt, there's some wear at some rotating mass, that's causing your frustration.  You've already examined the ones that are reachable while the engine's in the car.  If it's not time for a rebuild, I'd suggest living with it.

Damn, I hate hearing that.

