Subaru Repair: Subaru head gastets, timeing belt, water pump and cv shaft with boot replaced, cv shaft, cv axle

4 cycle motor was pulled to replace head gaskets, water pump, timing belt and replaced cv shaft with boots. The whole Subaru shakes bad as I sit at stop lights, in gear with foot on brake at idle. If the steering wheel is move while sitting, the rpms climb and shaking goes away. This only occurs while in gear and stopped with foot on brake. Idle is set to spec. No broken mounts.What will fix this?


There is now way I can accurately diagnose this problem for you.  But I would start with checking the CV axle you put in, if its a Chinese after market axle than that may be your problem.  

Yes a CV Axle can cause a vibration at idle on a Subaru. we have seen it all to often at our shop.

Other than that, there are a long list of things that need to be checked.
