Towing Issues: Can they LEGALLY keep the stuff on my truck?, tow yard, work trucks

I live in Phoenix, AZ. &I have a work truck(it is a COMPANY VEHICLE!) that had caught on fire..PRETTY BAD FIRE!BARELY MADE IT OUT ALIVE!!Anyway, then it had been towed from where it was left! Its is being held in the yard&the bill for the storage @the yard is growing!! The TRUCK ITSELF, IS REGISTERED TO ME!! HOWEVER, there is EQUIPMENT on the truck that is NOT MY PERSONAL PROPERTY. It is the PROPERTY OF THE COMPANY(OWNED BY THEM) I WORK FOR!! Can the tow yard LEGALLY HOLD THE EQUIPMENT ON THE TRUCK FOR $ I, PERSONALLY OWE!!?? I understand them keeping any of MY property for "collateral", BUT IF THE PROPERTY IS NOT MINE shouldnt the person/person(s) WHO DO OWN THE EQUIPMENT, be able to get their stuff?? Is there any way they can &/or CAN THEY(the tow yard) LEGALLY DENY them that right!?!?!? Please if you have any answer, comment, suggestion, etc.. on this, ..PLEASE LET ME KNOW??.. Thank you  

Well in most cases the lien on the vehicles apply to the vehicle and all the contents of it...

It was towed for some reason, was it at the direction of an law enforcement agency, or was it towed from a private parking lot at the direction of the property owner..

In some cases that affects the kind of lien, and also the ability of the person to redeem the property or vehicle. In some cases on Law Enforcement tows, a release from the agency is needed before the vehicle or property can be released or even viewed.

That being said, work trucks and or work tools have great problems with establishing the "ownership" of the property involved. How can prove that the hammer or the set of wrenches belong to them or the company. But it can be done with lots of work and understanding especially if someone will work on "establishing the identity of the person attempting to claim the property...

A lot of people say that someone else owns it and to let them have it, when in truth they are trying to get the property due to the tow bill not being paid by insurance or the vehicle owner.. Yes there are people out there that just abuse the system, and that does at times include tow companies and vehicle owners.

Is there insurance coverage to cover the vehicle towing and storage fees?   

Or is the vehicle going to be left "abandoned" at the tow yard for the tow company to get rid of and be left without getting paid the fees that they incur to do the job of towing, storing it, doing the paperwork to gain the rights to "legally dispose" of the vehicle.

As to the property ownership, I am unable to find specific laws for that area regarding the property specific questions you have...   
Part of that reason is that it goes back to the tow origination.    

Talk to the tow company and see what can be worked out, determine what is going to happen to the vehicle, who is responsible for payment and all that. You might be able to work something out that way. If not then I really have no ideas what to suggest.