Towing Issues: The management had my vehicle towed even though they knew it was mine and I lived there, daytona beach florida, handicap spot

QUESTION: I live in Michigan but have a vacation place in Daytona Beach Florida that I own.  I had lost the key pad for my Code car alarm and therefore could not start my car.  After realizing that I could not find it, I got in touch with many alarm company's, no one seemed to be able to help right away because my car and alarm are 9 years old plus someone bought out Code about 2 years ago.  Finally, I found a shop in my area that thought they could help but their tech was on vacation!  my car sat in the same spot unable to start for about 3 weeks, I finally had my car towed to the shop where they fixed things as well as possible!  I drove my car back to my condo with a working alarm and key pad at about 5pm.  What I did not notice though, is that the tech had accidentally knocked off my parking pass that I use to park my car in the condo parking lot where I own.  The management had my car towed the next morning at around 10:00.  As you can guess, I am not cared for by this group too much.  After paying to get my car out of impound, there was my pass on the floor of my car.  The management knows absolutely that was my vehicle because they had said something to me about the alarm going off, including calling the police who just shook thier heads!  It also sits in the same handicap spot day after day right outside the door!  I was home, and no one tried to call or knock on my door to advise me that my pass was not on my vehicle!  I am wondering if you think that I might have any recourse at all!
Handicapped Patty

ANSWER: Well Patty, I hate to say it but when parking permits are required, they usually enforce the rules pretty hard...  I know that mistakes happen and permits fall off or get knocked out of place, and the management knows that also...

But I hate to say it but the lease usually states the rules about parking...  Now even though they knew it was your vehicle, and that you lived there or were there, they decided to follow the rules...

Not sure why you are not liked, but that might also of played part in this...

Now as to getting the money back, I doubt that you will have any luck with that...  But you never know what the small claims court judges will do or rule... That is an option...

Of course I doubt this would work, but if the guy repairing your car did knock the permit down, then you might have luck there in getting something back, but I seriously doubt that would work...

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: : QUESTION: I live in Michigan but have a vacation place in Daytona Beach Florida that I own.  I had lost the key pad for my Code car alarm and therefore could not start my car.  After realizing that I could not find it, I got in touch with many alarm company's, no one seemed to be able to help right away because my car and alarm are 9 years old plus someone bought out Code about 2 years ago.  Finally, I found a shop in my area that thought they could help but their tech was on vacation!  my car sat in the same spot unable to start for about 3 weeks, I finally had my car towed to the shop where they fixed things as well as possible!  I drove my car back to my condo with a working alarm and key pad at about 5pm.  What I did not notice though, is that the tech had accidentally knocked off my parking pass that I use to park my car in the condo parking lot where I own.  The management had my car towed the next morning at around 10:00.  As you can guess, I am not cared for by this group too much.  After paying to get my car out of impound, there was my pass on the floor of my car.  The management knows absolutely that was my vehicle because they had said something to me about the alarm going off, including calling the police who just shook thier heads!  It also sits in the same handicap spot day after day right outside the door!  I was home, and no one tried to call or knock on my door to advise me that my pass was not on my vehicle!  I am wondering if you think that I might have any recourse at all!
Handicapped Patty

Patty, as I stated before, I doubt you have any recourse...

The rules are what they followed which state that you have to have the permit displayed, not on the floor...

Can you sue anyone ???  

SURE, America sues everyone for anything...

that is all I can say...

Or are you looking for me or Bill Gates to pay the fee you had to pay..

******* FOLLOW UP **************

Patty thanks for the negative feedback... But when you ask the same question again the the follow up, and want to know "WHO IS RESPONSIBLE AND GOING TO PAY" then it becomes a redundant post..

As to the smart answer, I told you in the first answer, I doubt you would get any recourse from either the Management or the person installing the alarm...

I guess the permit is supposed to be hanging from the mirror and if you are driving the vehicle I hope you would see the permit there nor not...

But I guess that "THIS VOLUNTEER EXPERT" on the board is not worthy of helping anyone else with their problems, but since I get paid SO WELL for this, (by feedback) I guess I should quit towing, become a monk and search for the meaning of life..

30 years of towing, and I have seen it all, heard it all, and its amazing that people still do not want to accept responsibility for following the laws...

Thanks again for the feedback. I hope you get your money back from someone...