Suzuki: No water droplets from exhaust pipe, water droplets, gasoline engine

I'm having a WagonR (Maruti Suzuki make in INDIA)equivalent to Euro III standard.Recently I observed the exhaust pipe of my car was not having any water droplets from it. Even the engine is relatively smooth but giving lesser fuel economy by 3 - 4 KMs per Litre of petrol during long journey. Someone suggested that it's not mandatory to check the exhaust system just by the water droplets from it. Please advice.

The water droplets only show up when the vehicle is first operated, and the exhaust is cool enough to cause the water vapor that normally exists in all gasoline engine vehicles to condense.  This will cease to show up when the temperature is relatively high, or the engine has been operated enough to raise the temperature of the exhaust. even though the vapor is still present, it would not condense and be visible unless the air temperature is low, probably lower than zero Celsius, and would definitely be visible below minus twenty Celsius.As for fuel economy, individual driving habits and temperature and the kind of terrain driven have a tremendous influence on fuel economy.
get back to me if you have additional questions