Tips on Buying Cars: 200,000 mile 1993 corolla, toyota corolla, luck steve

My 1993 toyota Corolla just turned 2000,000 miles. When will the engine or transmission die?  I take care of it with regular oil changes every 3,000 miles or  3 months whichever comes first. Doesn't Toyota test these engines and therefore can guesstimate when the tranny or engine would give up? Isn't there a  websit that gives data on average engine or tranny life span per vehicle? I know it depends on  a number of factors such as how well you take care of it, driving conditions , climate , rust etc.

congrats, you must really take care of the corolla. continue like that and it could go another 100K. Then again tomorrow the tranny may blow. I would just use it until something expensive goes wrong, then worry about replacing it. I would contact Toyota, and let them know, but they expect it to last!!!!!! Good Luck!!