Auto Insurance Claims: Car stolen and vs total?, insurance claim settlements, auto collision repair

Twice this year I have had to file a claim. The first time, my car was broken into and the steering wheel and all parts electric were stolen. 6 months later, the entire car was stolen and stripped down from headlight to taillight. The insurance company tells me that its reparable but I see no way for this to not be totaled as my car is only worth about $6000. They have not put anything on the estimate concerning possible engine damage or steering column damage. What can I do to be certain that I do not wind up paying for repairs only to have the engine come back ruined. This is so frustrating!

Dear Frank,

Sorry to hear of your plight.  I have four pages of free text on my website that will answer all of your questions----plus 12 more questions you did not even know about!

I would go for a diminished value claim if your vehicle cannot be restored without losing its actual cash value.  Plus, why not spend a couple hundred dollars to get some expert help, as suggested below?

Diminished Value—What it is and How to Make an Insurance Claim for a Cash Insurance Settlement

FAQ: Diminished Value Insurance Claims Explained in Answers by Doctor Settlement, J.D.—Auto Accident Insurance Claim Expert

Auto Accident Collision Repair Shops & Insurance Adjuster Relationships Explained in Answers by Doctor Settlement, J.D.-Auto Accident Insurance Claim Expert

Hire YOUR OWN Auto Collision Repair Expert for Repair Negotiations & Supervision—Diminished Value Insurance Claim Settlements

Best wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)