Car Alarms: SPAL AS-80 Alarm programming mode, radio shack electronics, spal as 80

My AS80 Alarm will not enter the programming function.  I can not program the wireless modules.  I did not receive any kind of Operators and Maintenance manual with the product, and have contacted SPAL to see if there is any literature containing trouble shooting guides and related items.
 I need help.  And no, just incase you were wondering, it was not professionally installed yet and is not under warranty as far as I know.  A friend of mine used to install car alarms at Radio Shack (electronics store in U.S.), and we had no difficulties on the install.  The alarm will arm and disarm, lock and unlock the driver's door only, generate an alarm with ignition and pin switches (no pin sw used right now), and enter valet mode.  Both remotes work correctly, and the system shows the two remotes to be programed to it.
 with out accessing the programming function (page), I can not program and use the Wireless Modules which are magnetic wirrless sensors that can be placed anywhere; doors, windows, trunks, tail gates, hood, etc..
 I need to access the programming fuction!!!!!

Thank you in advance for any Help you can provide.

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year

I wish I had a good answer to provide, but
frankly, if SPAL can't help, I can't either.
I do not sell or install that system here, so
I am in the dark on the "wireless modules" and
how they can be interfaced.

Commando Alarms does sell this piece however, or did
a couple of years ago. Try contacting them
at to see if they can/will
extend a hand to help.

Good luck with it, and a
Very Happy Holiday!