Chevrolet Repair: Wont start--Help, crankshaft position sensor, coil wire

Hi-I have an 1996 K1500 with a 5.7. I did some work which required removing the heads and timing chain/sprockets. I have everything back together and the truck started up, but not easy and ran, but not 100%. No back firing though. Now after about 3 or 4 starts the truck won't start. I am not getting any spark from the coil wire to the dist. I also have 3 codes P106, P108 both dealing with the MAP and P1345 cam/crank or dist. not insync. I had set the motor up at TDC #1 when I was disassembling the motor. When I removed the timing cover the cam sprocket mark was at 12 o'clock and the crank sprocket mark was at 12 o'clock. I re-assembled the motor the same as I disassembled it. The manual had the cam sprocket mark at 6 o'clock and the crank sprocket mark at 12 o'clock. Things that I have tried. The ign. coil tested good per tests in the manual. Replaced the ign. module, dist. module & crankshaft position sensor. I have also removed the dist. and rotated the engine 1 time, which would put the cam mark at 6 o'clock and re-installed the dist. at #1. I also disconnected the battery overnight. In case the code was preventing a start, but still no luck. Also not sure if related, but the plugs have about 20 min. of run time and they are pretty fouled. Need some help.


 You really need to see if your valve timing is correct.  It sounds like you have the motor 180 degrees out.  The timing marks are designed to point towards one another.  If you have timed it out 180' I think there are a couple of cylinders that will fire but barely.  
