Chevrolet Repair: SPARK PLUGS/DEXCOOL, coolant temp, temp guage


I have a 2001 Chevy Impala LS w/ the 3.8 V6. As far as changing the spark plugs, I can get to the front 3 just fine. Is there any easier way/trick to get to the back 3 without too much trouble?
Also, is there any truth to the rumors about Dexcool damaging gaskets and rotting away GM engines and should I switch to a regular green radiator fluid? I'm not sure if it's related but occasionally(usually on cold days), my temp guage will quit working and when I shut the engine off, the cooling fan keeps running. I heard this might be a symptom of either a leaking intake manifold, a faulty thermostat, or a faulty coolant temp sensor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There is nO trick to getting the back plugs. You just have to be double jointed.

I have heard nothing as far as the coolant problem with the exception of people adding the WRONG coolant.

Could be a faulty fan relay and or temp switch. Also SOME vehicles are setup to have the cooling fan run AFTER the engine has been shut off for some 5 to 10 minutes.
