Honda Repair: Alternator Install on 1990 Honda Accord LX, honda accord lx, remanufactured alternator

Noticed battery light flickering, tested alternator and voltage regulator is problem, so I bought a remanufactured alternator.
I have done light repair myself, but alternator seems hard to get at. Can see two bolts, but my guess is there is a third underneath the alternator (from looking at replacement part).
I haven't touched anything yet, figuring that if it appears too difficult I'll just drive it in.
1. Are there 3 bolts to take off alternator?
2. Cannot see bottom bolt, only feel. Is it best to get at this from putting car on ramps (and getting underneath car?)
3. Will I have to take off any other parts (radiator, other) to remove alternator?
Any advice will be GREATLY appreciated.  

Yes there is 3 bolts the one behind the alternator is a 12mm and very hard to get at but still possible to remove I have replaced 4 alternators in my accord same model so it is possible you do not need to remove any other parts just have to find the right length of socket to fit right in and fit a socket wrench on it and just to give you advice I recommend buying a Genuine honda one I went through 3 auto zone brands the most expensive one they have and still lasted about a day or so one even lasted a good 2 hours but I would just let you know that if you plan on keeping the car a while.