MG Car Repair: starting trouble and brakes, rear brakes, starter relay

QUESTION: I've been working on getting my mgb going again after many years stored in a garage, and your help has been tremendous.  The car runs now (not on the street yet), however, when I first turn the key nothing happens.  I have to turn the key "off", then "on" again to get the engine to turn over.  I used to have to do this procedure one time.  Now it takes sometimes 2 or 3 times of turning the key "off" and "on" before the engine turns over.  Can you help?  Thanks again for your past assistance in helping me get my "B' going again.

ANSWER: Hi Ernie.  I need to know the year of your car to answer this question.  The later MGBs were fitted with a starter relay mounted up near the fusebox.  Look for a canister with 4 connectors underneath it.  One of the wires will be white with a brown stripe.  Relays do not like being unused for years.  If your car has such a relay, then I would replace the relay.  If your car is older with no relay, then the trouble may be the solenoid that operates the starter motor.  The very early MGBs had a separate solenoid, but many had the solenoid built into the starter motor.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Barrie.  It is a 1979 MGB, so I'll replace the relay.  Also, I replaced the Rear Brakes and Cylinders, and bled the lines (I am a novice).  When driving the car around the yard (not on street yet), I noticed I need to somewhat pump the brakes.  The pedal may go half way down before the brakes engage.  However, if I take my foot off the brake and try again, the pedal only moves a small distance, maybe an inch, before the brakes engage again.  Thanks for your help.

Hi Ernie.  Yes, it is probably that relay.  Any auto store should have them in stock for a few dollars.  

As regards the brakes, I think they are incorrectly adjusted.  The first pump is taking up some free play, and the second pump is operating the brakes.  Check that the shoes are correctly adjusted.  How many clicks are needed to lock the rear brakes?  It should only need 3 or 4 clicks.  Once you reach 5, it is time to adjust the shoes again.  Perhaps they have bedded in.