Nissan Repair: 998 Nissan Primera Si wont it the NATS 2 disabling the car?, pilot lamp, nissan primera

On occasions, when trying to start the car, it appears the battery is flat, but after turning it off and trying again, it starts and runs fine. Yesterday morning my wife went to drive it, and came back in and said thew battery seemed flat. I went out and tried it several times, and it wouldn't turn over. She went off in my car, and I checked the Nissan out. The battery appeared to be flat, buit when I bumped it, it started. I left it idling to try to put some power back into the battery, after I clkeaned the 'snow' off the pos terminal. It stalled after I bump started it again...and I forgot to turn the ignition off.  I went back to it 30 minutes later, and saw what I had done. I turned the key, and the battery seemed to be fully charged, and turned the engine over well. ythe engine fired on the first comoression, and then nothing. Tried that several times, and eventually it didn't even try to fire. I have come to the conclusion that either
a. there is a problem in the ignition circuit (coil or pick-up coil?), ot the NATS system has disabled the ECM because I tried to start it too many times. How can I tell if the NATS has cut off the ignition (no spark), or that there is an electical fault in the ignition system? The radio still works, as does all the electrical and dash lights, and the little red pilot lamp on the dash flashes as normal when the key is out, and goes out when I turn the ignition on. Can I pull the error codes fromn the ECM, and if so, how?
Thanks so much...I am desperate..this is our only vehicle, and we live many miles from civilisation!!

Hi Nick -

Are you saying that the "check engine light" goes out after a few seconds when you turn the ignition on? It is usually a yellow light though.

Anyway, being that the ignition was left on, I would check the large circuit fuses and the fusible link, if so equipped. The fuses are located in the engine compartment oon the fenderwell, and the link should be connected to the positive side of the battery terminal. Look for a stand alone wire other than the main cable.

Hope this helps -