Nissan Repair: 96 maxima, rotor wire, engine temperatures

I have a 1996 Maxima with 198,000 miles on it. When I stop at a light and attempt to go it hesitates and sometimes goes but usually dies on me. this has started happening every time I stop. I have had it looked at and was told I needed a new timing "chain" and plugs ($1800.00 at least). I am not familiar with a timing chain but I seem to recall replacing the water pump and timing belt on this car a few years ago. I am hoping to let my 16 years olds use this car but I do not feel comfortable letting them drive it with it dying all the time. Help!

Hi Lisa -

I am glad you asked about this. Too many times people get swaggled into expensive unnecessary repairs. The timing belt and chain are one and the same. Some Nissans (like the sentra) use a chain, and yours, is a belt. If the timing belt on your car was replaced a few years ago, then you should be fine. besides it is not the problem in my opinion. Even if it was, I replace timing belts for way less than half the price you were quoted.

When was the last time you had a tune up? Spark Plugs, cap/rotor, wire set?

Does the engine run rough when you are at a stop light? Does it miss when going up hills? Does it hesitate all the time, or only at certain engine temperatures/conditions?

Any additional information you can give me would be great. Then we can start an accurate diagnosis -

Please get back to me
Thanks Lisa -