Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): lawn mower, briggs and stratton, hp briggs

QUESTION: i have a 8 hp briggs and stratton the moter is seixed and the flywheel will not spin and i have no power to the hole mower and when i turn is over nothing is happing and when i turn the key the starter smokes and put a new  batter in and a now spark pulg can u hlep me

ANSWER: You have to unseize the engine before anything else? Usually when they seize up the motor is no good.

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QUESTION: is there an away to un seize it

There is a couple things you can try.First I would get a socket on the main shaft and see if you can get it to turn?Again it depends on why it seized in the first place.If it is from sitting you can probably get it freed up.If it blew a rod it needs a rebuild and so-on.Another trick is to dump some marvel mystery oil into the cylinder and allow it to set for a few days or so and then try to turn it?Let me know how it goes,