Toyota Repair: 2001 corolla, in the morning starting then stalling, 2nd starting okay, air intake hose, toyota corolla

Hi Ted,

I have this 2001 Toyota Corolla 4 cyl front Wheel Drive Automatic about 60000 miles.

I got the problem on my Corolla this week. Every morning, it will start the engine then stopped. 2nd or 3rd try will work.

In the morning, when I start my car, everything is okay. But few second after, it stalled. I tried again, the same thing. The 3rd time, everything is back to normal. Not have any difference feeling as before. Now I can drive as usual. The whole day don't have any more problem. It only happens at morning, the first time starting. But what is wrong for the two time of stalling???

Any clue? Do I need a service check or tune-up or ...

I did not have a tune-up or anything repaired. Only regular oil change and no other problem before? What is wrong now?


Most of the time this happens because the part of the intake system called the throttle body has a lot of carbon deposits on the inside,the procedure is that the air intake hose from the throttle body is disconnected and then the inside is cleaned with a brush and a chemical cleaner.