Toyota Repair: Automatic Transmission Shifts Odd, drive transmission, transmission shifts

Hi: I have a 1992 toyota p/u with automatic over drive transmission. I noticed the speedodmeter started bouncing back and forth and the transmission started shifting strangley. Shifting from 1'st to 2'nd takes too long and I have to bring the rpm's up too high.
2'nd to 3'rd is worse and 3'rd to overdrive is a nightmare. Does the speedometer have a cable or is it electronic? and does the transmission shift via the electronic component? What is the name of the part and can I repair it myself?

it sounds like the throttle cable. it connects the transmission to the throttle via a cable. it lets the tranny know how much trhottle you are inputing. it might be out of sits right next to the throttle cable that runs to the accelerator on the intake. take all the slack out of it .it should have approx. .50 mm of play. let me know if this works for u.