Land Rover Repair: Becm 1998 4.6 HSe Range rover, door latch, die grinder

someone  at a repair shop super locked my vehicle and there isn't a remote.  now my vehicle is immobilized and wont start.  codes looks like they have been switched to Europe instead of US per mechanic.  Pls help!!!  also, will a becm just quick working without notice?

When an older Rover is super locked we usually take off the rear door, and reach in the opening and cut the striker with a die grinder.  Then we replace the latch.  If the key won't release it that is the cure.  I suspect the problem is that the latch failed.  That's all too common.  As to the immobilization - you should be able to fit a new then insert the key and turn to lock while pressing lock 5 seconds.  Turn to unlock and press unlock 5 seconds.  That should reset the security and sync the remote again.  This is probably simply a failed door latch problem, not a BECM failure given what you have written.  As such, I doubt if anyone is to blame. They just break.

Once that is done, a shop with the T4 or Autologic could check the BECM coding but there is no setting for "Europe" so I'm not sure what they were trying to tell you.