Land Rover Repair: wont go into gear... any!, wont move, electric shift

ok thanks to start...changed from hi to lo and now truck wont move went under and the cable to tle gear box is fine and disconected the gear changer to check if enters in each gear wich it does ,gear shifter was also disassembled and all seems well ,shifter actually moves and can hear when gear goes from reverse to nuetral and so on..but no power to wheels, fuses fine 1997 4.0 RR I believe it is stuck in nuetral on H shift in console....please help.. thanks

You can remove the electric shift motor from the back of the transfer case and wind it manually into gear.  That will get you driving.  After that, you need to find a qualified shop to find out why the transfer case isn't shifting.  Could be a motor, selector, or the control unit.