Mitsubishi Repair: Horn malfunction, Mirage 2001, hair drier, horn area

"Horn sounds when steering wheel is at room temperature or below. When the Sun or a hair drier heats up the SRS/Horn area of the steering wheel, the horn operates normally. Tested by pulling out the horn relay and placing a voltmeter across the relay primary contacts in the fuse box. When the Horn switch area is very warm, the voltage will read "0"(horn off), until the horn is pressed and then the voltmeter shows full battery voltage (12.4V). When the horn area is cold the voltage is always 12.4v (horn on).So I am pretty sure it is the horn switch in the steering wheel that is defective. Removed the plastic steering column covers, but I cannot figure how to remove the SRS(trim)cover on the steering wheel, in order to possibly repair, or replace the horn switch. There does not seem to be any nuts or fasteners on the rear plastic cover of the steering wheel. Any Help will be appreciated."

Reuben: You need to go out and get yourself a repair manual for your car, most parts stores sell them for around $20.00 and well worth the money. As that car of your's is new enough to have an air bag and you need to be very careful not to set that off. So the manual for the car would walk you through this and any other problems that might come up. I really don't work on the newer cars. Hope this helps some and God bless: Linda