Mitsubishi Repair: Mitsu 98 horn problem, car horn, problem thanks

Thanks for the heads up on the possible short problem that may make my horn blow continuously when I turn on the key. Went to dealer and was told it would cost 600 plus to repair. Isn't that excessive? Thank you

Salvatore: Yes, but that is because a dealership has their labor costs starting at $45.00 an hour or more. So why not try a shop, as most are not as costly. But then to find this short they will have to take your steering column off. There is a lot of wiring in there, I think it would be smarter to have that horn replaced, buy another horn and wire it into the car horn wire. I mean gee, that does sound like a lot of money just for a horn. They should have a wiring diagram, then they should be able to find the problem without a lot of time. So try another shop, use your phone and call all around to see if you can find someone else for less money. I hope this helps and good luck! Linda