How to Reduce Air Intake System Noise

Adding an intake system to your vehicle can be a wise move for better fuel efficiency and overall performance, but the noise can be louder than a standard intake or exhaust system. There are ways to reduce the noise of the system.

  • Note whether the noise is whiny, too loud or too low. Each sound may call for a different solution. If you are unsure about the noise tone, take it to an exhaust shop and ask what the professionals think. They often have a great ear for these problems.

  • Buy a noise muffling exhaust tip. There are many different tips available and all of them offer different sounds for your exhaust system. Many people buy them to make their vehicles louder or sound more like race cars, but manufacturers also make them to quiet intake noise. Check out for a large selection of air intake systems.

  • Take your vehicle to an exhaust shop to make sure the intake system was installed properly. Aside, from the noise, see if there are any other problems. It could be louder than you want because it was not attached properly. Not only will you be avoiding an expensive situation, but you can also quiet the noise a little.

  • Check the size of the intake tube. The diameter of the intake tube impacts the sound you will get from the exhaust system. Stock tubes are generally smaller than performance tubes, which is why the vehicle is quieter in stock condition.