Chrysler Repair: 1988 chrysler new yorker 5th ave, solenoid switch, chrysler new yorker

wont start  replaced starter which wouldnt turn  still no start  replaced relay switch still no start battery works radio headlights etc you hear the click but no start  could it be the ignition switch????????

Hi Gloria,
It isn't exactly clear but it sounds like your starter motor will not crank the engine even though you replaced the starter motor and starter relay. Correct?
When you say, "you hear the click" I assume that you mean you hear a fairly loud click coming from the underside of the engine itself which is the solenoid switch on the starter proper "closing". If that is the case, then either your battery is really not able to deliver a high enough voltage and current to actuate the motor or the wire from the battery to the starter motor is defective of the ground wire from the -post of the battery is not connected cleanly and tightly to the engine. If the battery is near the end of its warranty, I would suspect that. If the battery is good, and you hear the loud click, then it has to be an issue with the big wires that I described that make the circuit complete from the battery to the motor and back.
So if you want to check those big wires, the + post clamp wire is red and the - post is usually a braided strap or a black wire. I would disconnnect the - post clamp first before checking these connections.